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Get Involved

Everyone can do their part to support veterans. We here at Patriot Expeditions encourage you to give your time and or financial contributions to your local veterans.

Send a Veteran on an Adventure

The healing made possible by sponsoring a veteran to be able get away and be surrounded by fellow veterans is powerful and effective.

Sunset in South Africa

African sunset

villanova cubesat club

Cape Buffalo

villanova cubesat club

Nile crocodile

Welcome to Patriot Expeditions

Patriot Expeditions is a 501c3 Non-profit Corporation. Patriot Expeditions is operated entirely by a volunteer staff of mostly combat veterans. We are all extremely passionate about the outdoors as well helping our brothers and sisters in arms through recreational therapy. We see that veterans and active duty military are struggling with mental health and suicide. Our goal at Patriot Expeditions is to provide active military and veterans who have served honorably an opportunity to go on premier outdoor excursions all over the world. Since receiving our nonprofit status earlier this year, we have been working hard to grow and accomplish our mission. As a result, we have created some outstanding opportunities for our heroes.

Abraham Lincoln

“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.”

Veterans on a trip to Africa

January 10, 2019


The bonding that occurs when away from the modern world

Veterans have seen enough action and need to get away from it all to regain their inner peace.